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How to earn money from walking


Whether you strut your stuff or barely break a snail's pace, if you've got the steps, you can turn walking into money, a career or freebies. Here's how!

Can you make money by walking? Surprisingly, yes – in quite a lot of ways.

As well as revealing the freebies you can get just by slapping on a pair of trainers, we've gone the extra mile to reveal the fully-fledged business ideas you can get off the ground just by walking.

As with anything, the more time or effort you put in, the better the rewards. Either way, if you're looking for unusual jobs, apps that pay you to walk or smart student start-up ideas, you've come to the right place. Walk this way...

Apps that pay you to walk

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If you're looking for an app that pays you to walk, here are the best ones:


sweatcoin logo

Available on: iOS and Android

This app lets you collect 'Sweatcoins' that can then be exchanged for real-life rewards in the app.

You earn 0.95 Sweatcoins for every 1,000 outdoor steps you take (roughly half a mile). You can then use your coins to get discounts and sometimes from the app's store.

At the time of writing, that includes things like a 60ml bottle of JinJin cordial (30 Sweatcoins), Wireless Bluetooth headset (350 Sweatcoins) and even a £1,000 holiday in the South of France (20,000 Sweatcoins) – but it changes every day. It's also possible to donate your Sweatcoins to good causes and bid on auction prices.

Without upgrading to the Premium account (which costs £24.99/year), you can cash in 10,000 steps per day or 9.50 Sweatcoins. The key is to save up coins using the steps you'd be taking anyway.

I used it for a NOW TV pass. The daily offers are usually discounts, subscription services or paying postage for a 'free' item. However, it was eating my battery and data so I just deleted it.


Crucially, you can now also withdraw Sweatcoins as money (albeit as PayPal or Amazon credits).

You can only 'buy' set amounts of money, like a £100 PayPal credit, and you can only do this once you've accumulated a ton of coins and referred a whole host of mates to the app. But hey, it's a step in the right direction

Register Sweatcoin  

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